Qualification Number: 610/0870/9
The last registration for this qualification is: 6 August 2024
The last certification date is: 6 May 2025
Globally, policing is undergoing a radical transformation driven by the desire for greater public accountability, the importance of community partnership and a growing crisis of confidence in both the integrity of services and more broadly police leadership. Policing in the future will shape decisions around transformation and how police forces use resources to help keep people safe and provide an effective, accessible and value for money service which can be trusted.
The principal objective of the OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Police Leadership and Management qualification is to develop the knowledge and skills which are required to operate in a senior leadership and management role within a police force where established authority and personal attributes translate strategic decisions into effective and efficient operational performance.
This is a specialised qualification which reflects current practice within the senior echelons of policing and offers learners the opportunity to study diverse aspects of the policing agenda within the context of public sector reform and to gain an enhanced appreciation and understanding of the skills and competencies required of senior police officers to meet modern day challenges.
Through engagement in study towards this qualification, learners will be required to participate in applied investigation. This will, through acquired knowledge, enable senior police officers to be in a stronger position to directly meet the requirements of evolving operating environments where a variety of challenges are posed to the role and function of policing created by the increasingly complex and globally connected world.
Learners will become competent and reflective practitioners, related to their current role, and in preparation for more challenging roles in the future.
The primary aims of this qualification are, therefore, to;
This qualification is suitable for currently operational police officers who function in a senior leadership and management role. The qualification would also be suitable for police officers who have aspirations to operate in a strategic role.
The qualification is designed for learners who are typically aged 21 and above at the beginning of the course.
The entry profile for learners is likely to include at least one of the following:
The OTHM Level 7 Diplomas on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) are at the same level as master’s degrees. However, they are shorter (120 credits) and learners will have to proceed to the dissertation stage (60 credits) with university to achieve a full masters programme.
The OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Police Leadership and Management consists of 5 mandatory units for a combined total of 120 credits, 1200 hours Total Qualification Time (TQT) and 480 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for the completed qualification.
The qualification is designed to be delivered over one academic year for full-time study, but it is also flexible in its delivery in order to accommodate part-time and distance learning.
The qualification is delivered face-to-face, through lectures, tutorials, seminars, distance, online by approved centres only.
All units within this qualification are internally assessed by the centre and externally verified by OTHM. The qualifications are criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes.
To achieve a ‘pass’ for a unit, learners must provide evidence to demonstrate that they have fulfilled all the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by all assessment criteria. Judgement that the learners have successfully fulfilled the assessment criteria is made by the Assessor.
The Assessor should provide an audit trail showing how the judgement of the learners’ overall achievement has been arrived at.
The OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Police Leadership and Management qualification enables learners to progress into or within employment and/or continue their further study.
As this qualification is approved and regulated by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation), learners maybe eligible to progress to Master’s top-up at many universities in the UK and overseas with advanced standing. For more information visit the University Progressions page in this website.
By complying with our regulators and meeting university progression requirements we ensure the high-quality standards of all our qualifications and assessments.
The local and global recognition has enabled our graduates to enhance their employability skills as well as to join degree and master top-up programmes.
If you are a college or a private training provider wishing to offer our qualifications, you will need to become an approved centre first.
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