Do you know what and where you want to study? Use the search function below so we can suggest centres you can study at based on your location and the qualification you want to study.
In this section by typing centre name you can also find and verify an approved centre and list of programmes a centre is approved to deliver.
Our qualifications are well received by learners, employers, further and higher education institutes and many others. As an awarding organisation, we are responsible for ensuring that the quality of the qualifications is maintained at high standards and the quality assurance is built in throughout the life of the qualifications. We have developed qualifications across a wide range of sector subject areas which includes:
By complying with our regulators and meeting university progression requirements we ensure the high-quality standards of all our qualifications and assessments.
The local and global recognition has enabled our graduates to enhance their employability skills as well as to join degree and master top-up programmes.
If you are a college or a private training provider wishing to offer our qualifications, you will need to become an approved centre first.
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